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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Declares Sunday a Day of Prayer in Texas

UPDATE: Also today, President Trump has declared this Sunday, September 3rd as a National Day of Prayer. To see the video announcement, including a meeting of the President with his Evangelical Advisory Board, click here.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has declared Sunday, September 3rd a day of prayer in Texas following Hurricane Harvey and the flooding and destruction left in its wake. The Stream reports that the hurricane has claimed at least 30 lives, and officials fear the death toll will rise as floodwaters slowly begin to recede and they are able to reach more stranded vehicles.

Nevertheless, the Gov. and many Texans remain hopeful. “We will rise again and we will rebuild this great town and the affected areas across the entire state of Texas,” Abbott said outside of First Baptist Church in Rockport, Texas on Thursday. “But as we gather today at this church, it’s important that we remember the greatest power that exists is the power of God.”

As Abbott spoke from in front of the church, the destruction to the building could be seen, but so could the church’s cross, still standing proudly on top of the building.

“It was God acting through the lives of so many Texans who came to the rescue of other Texans. It was the power of God that was able to pull people out of the water and literally save them,” Abbott continued.

Vice President Mike Pence joined Abbott, along with Pence’s wife, Karen.

“You’ve inspired the nation by your resilience, and by your courage,” Pence told the gathered crowd. “And we just came here to commend you and to encourage you.” Everyone gathered also engaged in a time of prayer, and Pence and Abbott helped to clear debris from the area.



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