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Eastvale Picnic In The Park, June 28-30

Fireworks: The Fireworks display will take place on Saturday, June 29, at 9 PM. The Park will open at 10 AM on Saturday, June 29. * No one will be allowed to set up prior to 10 AM to reserve spectator seating. JCSD is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Pre-Sale Tickets: Pre-Sale Tickets are available now, $10 for 8 rides. To purchase tickets, visit either of the following locations:

  • Eastvale Community Center (13820 Schleisman Avenue)

  • Neighborhood Center at Harada Heritage Park (13099 65th Street)

Day of Event Tickets:

Carnival Rides $1.50 each ticket $25 per sheet of 20 tickets $30 per sheet of 36 tickets

Wristbands for JCSD Fun Zone $5/day of $10 for the Weekend! *Includes access to all Bounce Houses and Virtual Reality Game Truck.

Location: Eastvale Community Park located at 12750 Citrus Street, Eastvale, CA 92880

Days and Times:

  • June 28 (Friday) 5 PM – 11 PM

  • June 29 (Saturday) 2 PM – 11 PM

  • June 30 (Sunday) 3 PM – 10 PM

Parking: Parking will be available at Eastvale Community Park. Additional parking will be available at Eleanor Roosevelt High School (courtesy shuttle service will be available to visitors parking at ERHS.)

Walking & Biking to the Event: Picnic In The Park is a friendly event and can also be accessed by pedestrians. Bike Valet service is provided free of charge.

Road Closures: Due to the anticipated number of attendees that will be parking and walking throughout the Eastvale Community Park (ECP), the following street will be closed during event hours:

  • Citrus Avenue at Scholar Way

  • Please note, Southbound Hamner Avenue traffic may turn right onto Citrus Avenue only until ECP parking lot is full.

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