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Cal State San Bernardino’s Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration named after b

He was a giant of a man – bigger than life.

And as the accolades resonated in the morning air Thursday, the heart of Jack H. Brown and his huge legacy were celebrated on the Cal State San Bernardino campus.

A portion of that legacy was commemorated with the ribbon cutting for the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration.

The late Jack Brown, who would proudly tell you, “I’m San Bernardino born and raised,” invested in the city, its charities, and its children, never losing sight of his past and the place he called home.

In June 2016, Jack gave the university $10 million, the largest cash gift in the school’s 50-year history.

This is a gift that crosses generations, Cal State President Dr. Tomas Morales told the gathering of 100 or so community leaders, including family members, friends, university colleagues, students and elected officials.

“Today is far more than just a ceremony – it is a celebration of life, of learning, caring, community and the power of giving,” Dr. Morales said.

Jack’s gift gives access to scholars for generations from throughout the Inland Empire. It provides flexibility for scholarship opportunities for local students, supporting our veterans, as well as those who were raised by a single parent. It supports research and technology and the outstanding efforts of the college’s faculty and staff.

“What Jack understood and practiced is that success is not simply a positive bottom line on a profit-and-loss statement – it’s measured in terms of healthy, respectful human relationships,” said Rabbi Hillel Cohn.

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